In the course, I have had many lessons learnt and experiences faced which are worth noting. But be it lack of the opportunities or call it lack of focus, I never penned them down and so all the past lessons and experiences are all lost in time for a quick reference.
As I don't want to let this happen again, I decided my pen my experiences . This peice is a work-in-progress and owing to its very nature will remain so, always. These are just my random collections of thoughts which I learnt, or will be learning, from my life.
I am not trying to re-wrtie aBhagavadgita here nor I want this to be a bible of thoughts. These are going to be just my thoughts and inferences of situations and happenings in my life. I am not writing this keeping anyone in mind or for anyone to see. But will be happy if others can get anything out of it. I will keep each RT(Random Thought) as simple, lite and short as possible.
Finally, I know that - Its Late, Its lite. But, isn't it great!
Random thought #1:
A person is spiritually more happy when he seriously doesn't want to be spiritual. The moment he starts thinking spiritual, everything he has done or has been doing looks wrong and can never perform his duties sincerely. Which in itself is against the very spirituality. Silly, Isn't it?
Random thought #2:
When a person is commenting on others actions, he is only showing his jealous for not being able to do that action first.
Random thought #3:
when you say truth to friends- First they don't beleive you. Next they interrogate you. Then push you till you lie. And when you finally lie, they readily concur with you.
Random thought #4:
When your friends say they have apprehensions on what you said and kept interrogating you, they only liked what you said and want to hear it again.
Random thought #5:
Hypocrats are not rare. Women around you are all the examples!
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